пятница, 3 декабря 2010 г.

Do You Know What ic 8038 datasheet

ic 8038 datasheet

In that case, the freqency range may be split into two parts, using two capacitors which can be switched using an SPDT switch. The square wave output of the 8038 is an open-collector output.
ic 8038 datasheet
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четверг, 2 декабря 2010 г.

Review a ka3525 datasheet

ka3525 datasheet

Mình nghĩ để đảm bảo chất lượng thì nên dùng IC chuyên dụng là hay nhất. Mình cấp nguồn 5V cho nó nhưng biên độ xung PWM ra chỉ đuợc hơn 4.5V mà vẫn còn offset nữa.
ka3525 datasheet
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среда, 1 декабря 2010 г.

Whats is mpf102 datasheet

mpf102 datasheet

I don't know how to convert the FET resistance changes to actual voltage sensed by the gate. The FET resistance is about the same as the other resistors in the bridge, 220 ohms. The FET is simply acting as a voltage controlled resistor in the bridge. When I read about using FETs in amplifier circuits they talk about having a much larger Vds than the 1.2 volts I have, and, as I said, I've found that increasing Vds or Id makes the "noise" much worse. The power supply is giving me 14.6 volts and is capable of supplying 1500 mA but I measure a current of only 9.91 mA through the bridge so the circuit is not underpowered. I have an idea for making a bridge consisting of 4 FETs connected so that they all change resistance appropriately with the sensed voltage thus giving me a signal up to 4 times stronger.
mpf102 datasheet mpf102 datasheet
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